
1.5k ohm resistor color code
1.5k ohm resistor color code

The rise or fall in temperature may affect the tolerance. The value of resistance changes with temperature. In the three bands first color indicates 1 st digit, the second color indicates 2 nd digit, the third color indicates 3 rd digit. The three band resistance doesn’t require 4 th band as they don’t have tolerance band. To determine the standard resistance values, power ratings, the temperature coefficient of resistance and tolerance the resistors are grouped as 3 bands, 4 bands, 5 bands and 6 bands. The first two color bands in a resistor denote resistance value (represented in ohms). This band is also found in high precision resistors. If the temperature changes by 1 Kelvin and the sixth band is black, then there will be the change of 250 parts per million in resistors. The temperature coefficient is the change in resistance per one Kelvin change in temperature. The sixth band is of shows the temperature coefficient of the resistor. Note: If no tolerance band is given, then the tolerance should be taken as ☒0%. If the tolerance is less than 2% in a resistor, this type of resistors is known as precision resistors.

1.5k ohm resistor color code

If the tolerance is 5%, it means you can expect 5% change in the value of resistance.

1.5k ohm resistor color code 1.5k ohm resistor color code

Tolerance is how much we can expect a resistor’s actual measurement. Tolerance is the percentage of error in the value of resistance.

1.5k ohm resistor color code